Every one usually strives to find a job after graduation. On the job application and during the job interview
, there is a need for fresh graduate to tell the salary expectation. Therefore, it is really hard to decide the right amount of salary since most of fresh graduates in Cambodia lack of practical experience towards the job opportunity. Some candidates choose the specific amount of salary for applied position and usually fail to get the job. In fact, requirement on the job market in this country is significantly focusing on work experience for at least one year while there is the lack opportunity for practical skill within Cambodia such as site visiting, internship, volunteer, etc. However, the tip on salary expectation issue is solved with the opionion getting from the experienced people working on the job market. According to professional skill workers in Cambodia today, each candidate who does not have any work experience should tell the salary expectation in range better than specific amount of salary. It is sure that each candidate with stronger knowledge and attitude will get the job opportunity based on major of each candidate and position applied for. If candidate focuses much on salary, all the employers will think that each candidate is money-minded and useless to achieve the organizational goals since each one lack of experience for the organizational human resource need. Another reason for not to ask the specific amount of salary is each fresh graduate’s own need. All fresh graduates will take time to gain work experience that will delay the fast flow of organizational operation to satisfy their goal. Last but not least, there is a hope for all fresh graduates to get job opportunity soon by reconsidering again about salary expectation again. “Let’s pay to earn!”
By: POK Panhavuth